Main description
- Quiromassage: method of exploration (through perceptual palpation) and manual treatment, applied on the body surface and transmitted through the mechanical pressure of the hands to different organs and tissues of the human body.
- It has regulatory effects on pain, overall energy sensation, mood states, fatigue, and generally on the psyche.
- Tui Na: one of the oldest therapeutic massage techniques based on the pressure of the body`s channels and energy points coinciding with Acupuncture Meridians and decontracting maneuvers.
- Tui Na is linked to the traditional Chinese massage technique, and along with Acupuncture, Phytotherapy, and Moxibustion, it is part of the practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
- It treats muscular or joint injuries, some musculoskeletal pathologies, stimulates blood circulation, and corrects energy blockages.
- It enhances defensive energy (Wei Qi) and nutritive energy (Ying Qi), relaxes tendinomuscular meridians (muscles, tendons, fascia), regulates emotions, and calms the mind (Shen).
- Shiatsu: a bodywork technique that uses finger and palm pressure to rebalance the body`s energy systems.
- It was developed in Japan, but its roots are closely related to Tui Na massage and the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
- Traditional Thai: combining different techniques, palm pressures, and manipulations or mobilizations, with muscle stretches aimed at releasing body tension and helping it self-regulate.
- It is characterized by being strong, deep, and intense but never painful.
- The therapist is responsible for assessing the level of pressure to use depending on the sensitivity threshold of each recipient.
- Traditional Usui Reiki: a Japanese energetic technique recognized by the WHO, developed in the early 20th century for therapeutic use.
- It is based on channeling Universal Life Energy through the facilitator`s hands.
- Reiki helps produce a state of great well-being and harmony in the person, thus improving their self-healing capacity and alleviating their ailments.
- The activity takes place at our facilities.
Special conditions
- No make-up or face cream should be applied.
- Experience suitable for all ages and physical conditions.
- Minors must be accompanied by their parents or guardians.
- An informed consent form must be signed before the experience begins.
Registration conditions
- It is recommended to book 72 hours in advance.
Equipment and clothing
- No special clothes are required.
The photos merely illustrate the experience and are not legally binding representations.
Contact Isla de Regalos for any questions regarding this experience and its conditions before purchasing.
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